Delphi Panels

A series of three (3) separate studies have been conducted from 1999 – 2018 as part of our ongoing worldwide consensus global competence research. An average of 15 Delphi experts was assembled for each separate study to deliver consensus across each panel. Panelist continuity throughout the various research studies was maintained when possible. Experts represented all continents and sectors (education, business, government, and nonprofits) so that a definition of “global competence” would be applicable to all stakeholders around the world and across the education-workforce continuum.

The most recent Delphi panel updated the definition of “global competence” to more holistically reflect the rigorous research represented in the Global Competence Model™. At the time of the original research, the 20th Century construct of “intercultural competence,” and the “international” scope were waning, yet language had not kept pace with the newer “global” reality.

The original definition, which was established through consensus research from 2003 – 2004, no longer adequately reflected the paradigm shift to the 21st Century construct of “global competence.” Additional worldwide consensus research was conducted from 2017 – 2018 to reflect this evolution of thought.


Need for Consensus

Global Competence Model™

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