GCAA® Features and Benefits

Developed by Global Competence Associates, LLC, the Global Competence Aptitude Assessment (GCAA)® is based on rigorous worldwide research. The GCAA® is the only instrument that measures all the researched dimensions in the Global Competence Model™, as intended, reported, and cited in refereed journals worldwide.



Features of the GCAA®

  • Measures the cultural knowledge, interpersonal skills, attitudes, and self-awareness necessary for global competence.
  • Assesses both Internal Readiness (self-awareness and attitudes) and External Readiness (cultural knowledge and interpersonal skills).
  • Web-administered and accessible from any location in the world.
  • Delivers real-time individual and aggregate reporting.
  • Provides complimentary development suggestions, as well as detailed intelligence reporting
  • Supported by certification, customized training, and consultation, as desired.

Benefits of Using the GCAA®

• Use a 21st Century Approach

Measure global competence with a state-of-the-art instrument grounded in original worldwide research. Global competence is a paradigm shift away from outdated 20th century intercultural competence approaches, which are neither practical nor relevant in today’s omni-migrational society and global economy.

• Quantify Global Readiness Objectively

Determine people’s likelihood for effectiveness and identify developmental opportunities. The GCAA® objectively measures global competence using a sophisticated test design that avoids the subjectivity and biases of commonly used self-appraisal survey-style evaluations.

• Receive Actionable, Targeted Metrics

Receive easy-to-interpret and specific intelligence instantly, including scores for Overall Internal and External Readiness, as well as scores for all the researched dimensions of global competence. GCAA® participants receive immediate feedback in a clear, self-guided report. Assessment administrators receive detailed group scores in real-time, allowing for an instantaneous, focused response. Delayed or personally shared reporting is also available as desired.

• Make Fact-Based Decisions

Focus your efforts on impact areas while saving time and money. GCAA® profile and aggregate data indicate individuals’ and groups’ s likelihood for effectiveness on intercultural, international, or global projects or assignments. It is easier to strategize and budget for development activities as the GCAA® objectively recommends an individual's developmental opportunities against researched global workforce aptitudes. A GCAA® profile also assists with selection decisions and succession planning, as it indicates people's current global readiness.

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